It does have a button to download a zip of the git repos itself, but I find this incredibly bizarre, since if I'm using GitLab as a git remote, that means I already have the repos.
What I wrote is only meant to be a primitive last resort backup. To manually reenter all my issues from the saved output of this script would be a giant pain in the ass, but at least recovery would be possible. Before, if all my issues magically disappeared from, accurate restoration would be impossible.
You'll have to install GitLab::API::v3 module. Right now, it doesn't handle issue comments, I had to add the issue_comments method myself. See bottom of this post that.
In any case, here is:
use v5.18; use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use GitLab::API::v3; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $v3_api_url = ''; my $token = 'YeAhR1GhTkEePgUeSs1nG'; my $api = GitLab::API::v3->new( url => $v3_api_url, token => $token, ); my $project_id_num = 123456; say "Getting issues for project $project_id_num."; my $all_issues = $api->paginator( 'issues', $project_id_num, )->all(); my $backup_root = '/Users/jeff/VGT/GitLab backup/'; my $now_string = strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", localtime); my $backup_dir = $backup_root . $now_string; mkdir $backup_dir or die "Fail to mkdir $backup_dir"; my $issues_out = $backup_dir . '/issues.dump'; say "Logging issues."; open (my $issues_fh, '>', $issues_out) or die "Cannot open $issues_out"; print $issues_fh Dumper($all_issues); close $issues_fh; say "Getting comments."; for my $issue_ref (@$all_issues) { my $issue_id = $issue_ref->{'id'}; my $iid = $issue_ref->{'iid'}; my $comments = $api->issue_comments($project_id_num, $issue_id); next if scalar(@$comments) == 0; say "Logging comments for $iid."; my $comment_dir = $backup_dir . '/' . $iid; mkdir $comment_dir or die "Fail to mkdir $comment_dir"; my $comment_out = $comment_dir . '/comments.dump'; open my $comment_fh, '>', $comment_out or die "Cannot open $comment_out"; print $comment_fh Dumper($comments); close $comment_fh; } say "Logging labels."; my $labels = $api->labels($project_id_num); my $labels_out = $backup_dir . '/labels.dump'; open my $labels_fh, '>', $labels_out or die "Cannot open $labels_out"; print $labels_fh Dumper($labels); close $labels_fh; exit 0;
This is what I added to wherever-your-library-is/GitLab/API/ Here is git diff output:
$ git diff 1c3c02b64f3a3c608891bc3021a002892b96958e diff --git a/ b/ index bd745c0..b8effea 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1866,6 +1866,27 @@ sub edit_issue { return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) ); } +=head2 issue_comments + + my $comments = $api->issue_comments( + $project_id, + $issue_id, + ); + + Sends a Clt;GET> request to Clt;/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/notes> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body. + +=cut + +sub issue_comments { + my $self = shift; + croak 'issue_comments must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2; + croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to issue_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]); + croak 'The #2 argument ($$issue_id) to issue_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]); + my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/notes', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_)); + $log->infof( 'Making %s request against %s with params %s.', 'GET', $path, undef ); + return $self->get( $path ); +} + =head1 LABEL METHODS See L<>.
And that's it!
Can you update this for API v4?